"Battle! Conclusion"
Page 1. Panel 1. The Mad Scientist strikes a passage of notes on his electric guitar, launching his first attack. Panel 2 through 5. Ken is dead calm. He launches a single chord in self-defense, which easily blows away the Mad Scientist's attack. The Mad Scientist narrowly dodges, like Neo in the Matrix. He looks more spooked than we've ever seen him. Ken dodges the enormous attack and makes a three point landing, though he looks spooked. Panel 6. Battle For The World On A String. Volume Two, Number Five. CC BY-SA Ken Alleman, 2019.
Page 2. Panel 1 and 2. The Mad Scientist puts up his hands in mock-submission. He says, "I surrender." Closer in, we see a mischievous smile on his face. Panel 3 through 5. The Mad Scientist raises his plectrum into the air. Swirls of energy surround it. We see it closer and closer as he gathers power. Panel 6 and 7. Ken, again very calm, strums one chord on his guitar. Panel 8 and 9. Back to the Mad Scientist's pick. Though we don't see exactly what has happened, we see the pick crumble to pieces in his hand. He grimaces in quiet shock.
Page 3. Panel 1. Overhead view. The Mad Scientist finds himself standing on a tiny untouched spot of ground, surrounded on all sides by an enormous furrow carved into the earth in the shape of a simple open E power chord left by Ken's attack. Panel 2. The Mad Scientist stands with his shoulders slumped, not angry or sad, but almost relieved by his defeat. He says, "Such power. Such simplicity. I'd forgotten." Panel 3. Ken looms overhead, the sun at his back. Not threatening, but friendly, he extends his hand. He says, "Come on. Let's jam."
Page 4. Ken's friends all say goodbye as Ken and the Mad Scientist hug it out and walk off into the sunset.
Page 5. A letter titled "The Midway Report." An image of Ken saluting the reader while the Mad Scientist, now clad in a matching uniform, meditates and subtly hovers nearby, a scowl on his face. Text reads: Wow, that was some upheaval, wasn't it? Now that the unfinished business from Volume 1 is wrapped up, we'll see what next week brings us. I hope you're enjoying Volume 2 so far. Ken, 9/1/2019.
"The World On A String" site and contents
CC BY-SA 2023 Ken Alleman
except where indicated otherwise.