"Thanksgiving Special 2019"


Page 1. Panel 1. Title reads, "A Very World On A String Thanksgiving." CC BY-SA Ken Alleman 2019. MacCormac and Maryam approach the front door of a building labeled "String House." The String Wing is parked outside. MacCormac says, "Anybody home?" Panels 2, 3, and 4. Mac and Maryam enter. Mac says, "Hey everyone! We're here." K says, "Come on in!" One of the Dots says, "Food's ready. We're just about to get started."

Page 2. Dining room scene. Dot #1 is getting something at the counter. Maryam is pulling out a chair. Seated are Mac, K, and the other two Dots. Hugh Mann looks on from over the edge of the table. Captions read, "A musical composition is like a big meal, or a group of friends. Hard-edged percussion here, quiet guitar there. Chewy, crunchy, sweet, salty. A friend who plans for everything. A Friend who always comes up with the right plan on the spot. In music, as in life, it takes all kinds to make a world. And family is where you find it. Happy Thanksgiving, y'all!"

"The World On A String" site and contents
CC BY-SA 2023 Ken Alleman
except where indicated otherwise.